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Data may be downloaded from the Coastal and Marine Geology Data Service at this link

Here are links to each individual data set:

Wget commands:


This csv lists all files:

File description and contents

There are 10 data records and each record consists of a single zipped file. The zipped file contains a single csv file containing metadata for each labeled image, and a folder containing .npz format files, one per labeled image. Zipped files follow the following naming convention: {datasource}{numberofclasses}{threedigitdatasetversion}.zip, where

  • {datasource} is the source of the original images (for example, NAIP, Landsat 8, Sentinel 2),
  • {numberofclasses} is the number of classes used to annotate the images, and
  • {threedigitdatasetversion} is the three-digit code corresponding to the dataset version (in other words, 001 is version 1).

All NPZ files can be extracted using the utilities available in Doodler (Buscombe, 2022; - see below for more details. An individual NPZ file is named after the image that it represents and contains the following variables

‘image’Image used by the Doodler program. This is the first 3 bands of ‘orig_image’
‘orig_image’Original 8-bit unsigned integer image read by the Doodler program, that may contain 4 bands.
‘label’One-hot-encoded label image (2D raster) in 8-bit unsigned integer. Each integer encodes a class label, incrementing through classes starting at zero.
‘color_label’8-bit unsigned integer 3D (RGB) version of ‘label’ colorized according to a discrete colormap
‘color_doodles’8-bit unsigned integer 3D (RGB) raster of doodles colorized according to a discrete colormap
‘doodles’8-bit unsigned integer 2D raster of doodles. It is possible to use Doodler utilities to reconstruct ‘label’ from ‘doodles’ and values listed in ‘settings’
‘settings’List of settings used internally by the program, including the final values of the hyperparameters that may have been modified by the labeler
‘classes’List of strings, each string a class name
0-prefixThe variables ‘label’, ‘doodles’, and ‘color_doodles’ may have one or several prefix zeros, the number of which indicate the order of the previous trial. Variables without a zero prefix are always the final versions.

We provide codes to extract all images and labels and other information using utility scripts packaged with the Doodler program. Labels are reproducible; it is possible to use Doodler to reconstruct all the labeled imagery from the original sparse annotations (or ‘doodles’) that are recorded to file.

Unpacking NPZ file contents

The following instructions will allow you to unpack the contents of each .npz file to visualize the imagery, label imagery, and sparse annotations of doodles that made the labels, as jpeg format files viewable on your desktop.

To do this we need the software Doodler. Check out the installation guide on the Doodler website.

In a nutshell, download the code

git clone --depth 1

Make a conda environment

conda env create --file install/dashdoodler-clean.yml
conda activate dashdoodler
cd utils

The program will prompt you to Select directory of results (annotations) which is the folder of npz files. For each npz file, it will create a jpeg file _label.jpg showing the greyscale label, an overlay _overlay.png file showing the image overlain with a color label mask, and color sparse annotations or doodles _doodles.png.

The images and greyscale label images can be used with Segmentation Gym to create deep-learning-based image segmentation models.

Programmatic workflows to examine dataset

You may examine the contents of the Coast Train version 1 programmatically using a collections of python scripts and ipython notebooks hosted in this github repository. There are 4 notebooks:

  1. plot_class_distribution.ipynb

Allows analysis of the class-image distributions for each data record in turn and overall. Generates the following plots:

  1. plot_geographic_distribution.ipynb

Allows analysis of the geographic-image distributions for each data record in turn and overall. Generates the following plots:

  1. plot_user_distribution.ipynb

Allows analysis of the anonymized labeler-image distributions for each data record in turn and overall. Generates the following plots:

  1. plot_image_locations.ipynb

This notebook simply allows you to visualize where each image is located on a map, one by one

Remapping classes

Classes in the labeled imagery can optionally be remapped. Datasets for image segmentation come with labels from pre-determined class sets. Those classes may be merged, split or otherwise remapped from one set of classes to another, depending on the intended application. For example, if the integer 1 is used to encode the class label ocean', and the integer 2 is used to denote river', those two classes might be merged such that integers 1 and 2 both denote a third common class, `water'.

We provide this script within the Doodler software program for carrying out class remapping of the data


If you find the dataset useful please consider citing our work:

Buscombe, D., Wernette, P.A.,Fitzpatrick, S., Favela, J., Goldstein E.B., and Enwright, N.M. (in review). A 1.2 Billion Pixel Human-Labeled Dataset for Data-Driven Classification of Coastal Environments. Intended for Scientific Data

Wernette, P.A., Buscombe, D.D., Favela, J., Fitzpatrick, S., and Goldstein E. (2022). Coast Train--Labeled imagery for training and evaluation of data-driven models for image segmentation: U.S. Geological Survey data release,